Ankle Sprains
What to do?
R Rest
I Ice
C Compression
E Elevation
1. Keep the foot elevated as much as possible, preferably with the foot higher than your hip and try to avoid unnecessary walking or standing.
2. Use ice packs or bags of frozen peas to reduce the swelling. The ice/peas should be wrapped in a damp tea towel and placed on the ankle in elevation for a maximum of 15-20 minutes. This can be repeated several times a day. Continue until the pain and swelling have gone.
3. If strapping has been applied to the ankle, leave this on in accordance with instructions from the person who applied it, otherwise a tubigrip bandage or elastic stocking should be worn to provide compression and reduce the swelling. This should be of double layer thickness and should extend from just below the knee to just before the toes. It should be removed at night when you go to bed and reapplied again in the morning on rising.
If at any time your toes start to go blue or you develop pins and needles in the foot take the bandage off immediately!
4. Gentle exercises should be performed within limits of pain to aid the circulation, promote healing and prevent the joint stiffening. The exercises can be started straight away unless you are advised otherwise by hospital staff.
• With your legs out in front of you pull your feet up towards you and then point them down as far as possible.
• Still keeping your knees straight turn the soles of your feet in towards each other and then turn them out and up away from each other.
• Circle your feet in both directions.
Each exercise should be done x10 hourly and in elevation if possible.
For further advice and treatment contact Advance Physio Ltd