We’re sure you’re all aware of the devastating accident that befell Michael Schumacher over Christmas. The former F1 driver was skiing off-piste when he fell and hit his head on a nearby rock. Although he was wearing a helmet, he suffered a severe head injury and remains in a coma. Schumacher is reportedly an excellent skier, but this story highlights how accidents can happen to anyone, no matter what skillset or experience they have.

Head injuries like Schumacher’s are thankfully, not that common. However, skiing is such an energetic and involved sport that other, less serious injuries commonly occur. Here at Advance Physio, we treat all kinds of sports injuries including skiing injuries.

Ligament strains of the knee are something we see so often and can be caused by a number of things. Twisting of the knee can result in a ligament strain as can excessive use of the snow plough position; which puts heavy strain on the joints. Excessive force applied to the knee joint from a fall is also a common injury.

Obviously falls are a major contributing factor with regards to an injury, but resisting a fall can do more damage than good. Allowing yourself to fall can often be the best thing to do, as resisting can cause you to pull muscles, hurt joints and damage ligaments anywhere in your body but particularly the lower limbs.

Skier’s thumb is a common skiing injury and is most common upper extremity injury. Damage to the ligaments is what causes the problem. It can be due to repetitive strain or from the result of not letting go of the pole during a fall.

If you’re an avid skier and are suffering from a persistent injury, physiotherapy might just be what you need. For the best physiotherapy in Manchester, come to Advance Physio. We have the knowledge and skills to have you piste ready in no time.

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